Darn a arddangoswyd yn Y Lle Celf yn ystod yr Eisteddfod AmGen yn 2020.

Teitl y darn yw ‘Heddwch o Heddiw a Dyf’ (2020).

Ysbrydolwyd y darn gan rai o themâu’r arddangosfa, sef heddwch, gobaith a thirwedd yr Epynt. Ysbrydolwyd liwiau’r darn gan faneri Gwersyll Heddwch Greenham Common.


A piece that was displayed in Y Lle Celf during the 2020 AmGen Eisteddfod.

The piece is called ‘Heddwch o Heddiw a Dyf’ (translates to: Peace Grows from Today).

It was inspired by some of the exhibition themes – peace, hope and the landscape of the Epynt. The colours used in the piece were inspired by the banners in the Greenham Common Peace Camp.